Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Approach

When I initially read books on cancer fighting foods, I thought to myself that I already eat these foods. It was true, I already ate most of these foods, but not proactively. For example, I like blueberries, and will eat them anytime. However, I realized that I probably only ate blueberries once every few months. That was the problem.

So I actively set out to try and eat these foods on a regular basis. What I found out, that in the quest to eat all of these foods, I stopped eating some other foods that I know are not good for me. For example, when going out to a bar, instead of the usual Jack Daniels and Coke, I opted for the Red Wine. Instead of the bar burgers as an appetizer, I ordered the Edamame.

I also found myself at the grocery store buying things that I never really bought before such as cabbage, grapefruit juice, and turmeric.

Ultimately, my approach has been to try to include some of these foods in every meal, whether its made at home or eaten at a restaurant.

Now, since it is impossible for me to tell whether this is working or not, it is important to have the attitude of "it can't hurt". There is a wealth of information on the positive effects of these foods both as cancer fighters and as foods that help other conditions, such as high blood pressure. There is very little information out there that states any of these foods are bad for you. So, I concluded, it really can't hurt, and can only help.

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